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Even though he was exposed to many aspects of the music business, hehas never really prized himself as a song writer or an artiste until later in his career when he established his own business. Working for himself gave him the opportunity to practice his writing skills, and like other things, that too had started to pay off. 


In 2021, AKSHAN met Chris Napier from 16 Bars Multimedia. They have been working on some music intermittently until finally in 2023, the song Changes materialized. Based on his energy and passion for the music, the name AKSHAN has started to make sense. This name was given to him by his colleagues because it depicted his attitude towards work while he was employed in law enforcement in his hometown. Things are looking better for AKSHAN already. He feels confident about his first single, and he is ready to take on the music fulltime. AKSHAN told 16 Bars Multimedia that he will be writing songs to create a good vibration and bring about positive changes, especially for the youth. He continued by saying that, "music is a hobby for me, it is something that I love doing at every level. Being encouraged by the people who see what I'm doing is just the first step on an upward movement on this music venture; I'm gonna try to take it as far as musically possible." go back

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