Dianna Wright
The Conqueror's Quest
Therapeutic Poetry, Healing with words.
"An invisible wall casts a spell
Tomorrow, caged in a cell.
Untraceable the path that divides a day,
Unbreakable the will that lets me stay...
'till time releases it in my care.
Should this day bring delay, and
Foiled endeavors cause decay,
I'll bury myself like a seed, and
Grow into a flower among the weeds."
Excerpt from- "Tomorrow"
The Conqueror's Quest
Dianna Wright

Speaking Engagements
Working with schools
The Conqueror's Quest
Spoken word

Speaking Request
Having an event and need more than just a conventional speaker? What if your next speaker has the skill to transition between the eloquence of a traditional speaker and the magic and creativity of poetry? Communication is art, and art is done right when it evokes the perfect harmony with the sensory system.
People grasp information in different ways, but the key element in communication is not to talk to, or talk over your audience, but to give each person the feeling that they are having an actual conversation with the speaker.
As the saying goes, "Overtime people will forget what you say to them, but they will always remember the way you made them feel."